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The Regional Transit Authority of Southeast Michigan (RTA) was established in December 2012 under the legal authority of Michigan Public Act (PA) 387.

As described in its articles of incorporation, the RTA was organized to establish and direct public transportation policy within a four-county region, to apply for and distribute operating and capital assistance grants to operators of public transportation within the metropolitan area, to adopt a comprehensive public transportation plan for the metropolitan area, to coordinate public transportation service functions between the operators of public transportation within the metropolitan area, and to secure a dedicated source of local funding to sustain the long term vision for the region.

Section 8 of PA 387 identified the RTA as the “designated recipient” for Federal and state operating and capital grants in the area.

What We Do

To accomplish our mission the RTA plans for and coordinates public transportation in the four-county region of Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne. It is the entity through which transit providers must apply for funds through the Federal Government and the State of Michigan.

RTA’s mission is to manage and secure transportation resources that significantly enhance mobility options, to improve quality of life for the residents and to increase economic viability for the region

The RTA is responsible for developing and annually updating a Regional Master Transit Plan (RMTP) to guide present and future service (20-year horizon) and is empowered to put funding questions on the ballot for public vote.

The RTA also conducts planning and coordination studies with the public transit providers in our region, including:

  • Ann Arbor Area Transit Authority
  • Detroit Department of Transportation
  • Detroit People Mover
  • Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transit

2019 Priorities

Updating the Regional Master Transit Plan.
Developing a single Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan for the region.
Rolling out a pilot project aimed at creating a mobile booking solution for seniors and individuals for disabilities.
Pursuing legislative changes to our enabling statute that will provide the RTA with more flexibility to implement the Master Plan.





myride2.com helps seniors and adults with disabilities in Oakland, Macomb, Wayne and Washtenaw counties in
Michigan find transportation.


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